Hyperinbox Keyboard Shortcuts
Hyperinbox is a keyboard-first software for productive people.
We're keeping a list of all of the keyboard shortcuts for Hyperinbox. We will update this as we add and change more ergonomic shortcuts. Happy hacking!
Action | Shortcut |
Global shortcut | ⌘ + Shift + X or H |
Next/Previous Item | J /K or ↑ /↓ |
Archive an Item | E |
Unarchive an Item | U |
Star/Unstar an Item | S |
Open an Item | ⏎ |
Leave a comment/reply | C |
Go back to the Inbox | ESC |
Go to Inbox | ⌘ + 1 |
Go to Archives | ⌘ + 2 |
Go to Starred | ⌘ + 3 |