
You can now let your prospects and customers book meetings with you in seconds via Relate Cal beta.

Relate Cal beta

To get started using Relate Cal, find the Meetings (beta) tab on the left main navigation menu.

Relate Cal currently supports:

  • Create multiple meeting schedulers for various use-cases
  • Add multiple calendars to meetings (for round-robin)
  • Customize event title, duration, booking flow, opening hours, url, forms, styles, etc.
  • Share via links

Calendar Types

  • Single host: This calendar has only one host. Single host calendars should be used for 1:1 meetings and calls with your prospects or customers.
  • Round-robin: This calendar rotates between multiple hosts each time a prospect schedules a meeting. Each host gets equal number of meetings. This is best suitable for general inbound discovery meetings and/or customer follow up meetings.
  • Round-robin + Maximize Availability: This calendar maximizes availability for the prospect to schedule a meeting. So, some hosts may get more bookings than the other depending on their availability.

Book a meeting with Chris

If you want Chris (co-founder) to demo Relate Cal, book a slot using this link: https://app.relate.so/cal/relate-demo/

This post was originally published in the Relate Changelog.