
In Relate, you can create and use custom fields in addition to the default fields. Custom fields help you collect and manage various information about your customers.

Creating Custom Fields

To create custom fields, first navigate to the settings page in the Relate app. You can create custom fields by going to Workspace > Settings > Records, or use the shortcut Cmd+, (macOS) or Ctrl+, (Windows) to directly access the settings page.

Relate allows you to create and manage custom fields for 4 types:

  1. Organization
  2. Contacts
  3. Processes
  4. Lists

Organization and Contacts are default Record Types, while Processes and Lists are features that help manage Organizations and Contacts through processes or lists. To create custom fields for Processes and Lists, you must first create a Process or List.

Organization/Contacts Custom Fields

Processes/Lists Custom Fields

After creating a Process or List, you can create custom fields by clicking the Custom fields button.

Managing Custom Fields

Default Fields

Relate provides default fields for each Record Type. These fields are provided by default when creating custom fields and cannot be deleted.

Types of Custom Fields

TextSupports regular text format. Good for short, single-line descriptions.
Multi-line textSupports text format with multiple lines. Suitable for longer descriptions.
NumberNumeric format.
URLURL format.
DateCan display dates.
DatetimeCan display dates and times.
SelectCan input options to select from a dropdown during data entry. Can allow multiple selections.
UserCan link to users in our workspace. Suitable for assigning responsible persons.

Use cases for custom fields

By effectively utilizing Custom Fields, you can collect and manage various customer information that your company wants to track. Particularly, you can record information obtained through customer meetings and use it to generate sales opportunities.

For example, creating Custom Fields that align with BANT or MEDDIC frameworks allows you to quickly record information gathered during sales meetings in your CRM.

BANT consists of four elements: Budget, Authority, Need, and Timeframe. By creating custom fields for these, you can quickly record information gathered during sales meetings.

  • Budget: Does this prospect have sufficient budget to purchase our product?
  • Authority: Does this prospect have the authority to make purchase decisions without approval from other stakeholders?
  • Need: What are this prospect’s needs? Can our product solve their problems?
  • Timeframe: Is now the right time to implement?

You can create custom fields like this:

Field NameTypeOptions
BudgetSelect$0, <$1K, $1K-$10K, $10K+
AuthorityTextEnter decision-making authority information.
NeedSelectDifficult information gathering, Pipeline management, Outbound cold email, Mass marketing email, Sales team productivity issues, Other Needs
Other NeedsMulti-line textEnter information about other needs
TimeframeSelectNeeded immediately, Within 1-3 months, Within 3-6 months, After 6 months

You can also start managing custom fields with settings like these:

  • Team size: 1-5, 6-10, 11-50, 51-100, 100+
  • Company stage: Startup, SMB, Mid-market, Enterprise
  • Pain point: Composed of pain points that the business solves (multi-select)
  • ICP Fit: Strong, Moderate, Weak
  • Lead type: Outbound, Inbound, Marketing, Product (multi-select)