Relate Meetings
Relate Meetings lets your prospects and customers book meetings with you in seconds.
You can now let your prospects and customers book meetings with you in seconds via Relate Meetings.
Getting Started
1/ Google/Outlook Integration Check
Before using Relate Meetings, you must check whether Google/Outlook is integrated. This is because Relate cannot create a meeting scheduler if the emails exchanged between the customer and Google/Outlook are not synced to the calendar.
The specific email integration process can be found at this link.
2/ Default Settings
After connecting your calendar, go to the in-app settings page (cmd + , or ctrl + ,) and go to Meetings in the bottom left corner.
2-1 Select Calendar
First, select which of the linked calendars you want to add the schedule that was created through Relate Meetings to.
To avoid double bookings, select a calendar to check for conflicts.
2-2 Manage Availability
Next, you can set your availability. You can also set the time zone in the Timezone field on the right.
The availability set here is the default availability for each account. It will be updated in the future so that you can create and manage various availability.
2-3 Configuring Conferencing Apps
Finally, you can select which app to use for a video conferencing.
The default setting is app. You can use Google Meet, Zoom, and MS Teams Video.
Creating a meeting scheduler
Select the Meetings tab on the left side of the Relate menu.
Next, click the ’+ Meeting scheduler’ button at the top to open the pop-up window shown below.
Title is the name of the meeting scheduler that is displayed within the Relate app.
Slug is added at the end of the meeting link and is automatically created based on the Title, but can be modified.
Assignment can be selected appropriately according to the type of meeting scheduler.
- Collective: Allows all selected hosts to schedule meetings only when they are available at the same time. This is generally used for group calls.
- Round Robin: This calendar rotates between multiple hosts each time a prospect schedules a meeting. Each host can get equal number of meetings, or you can maximize availability.
- Managed Event: This can be used for a personal calendar for 1:1 meetings.
Event Setup
The Event Setup page allows you to make the following settings.
- Set the title, description, and slug of the meeting scheduler
- Meeting duration (You can also allow the person scheduling the meeting to set the meeting duration.)
- Meeting location (Conferencing, in-persong, phone, etc.)
On this page, you can select one of the Availability settings you made on the Settings page.
In the current version, only Default Schedule can be used.
You can manage event hosts in this page.
For a personal calendar, you can select yourself.
For Round Robin, you can make the following settings.
- Distribution: Maximize availability, which provides as many meeting slots as possible, or load balancing, which allocates meeting slots in a fixed ratio.
- Fixed Hosts: Hosts who must participate in all meetings.
- Round-Robin Hosts: Add hosts from your team, then set their priority (the higher the priority, the more meetings they will be scheduled for) and weights (with the same ratio resulting in the same number of meetings).
The following settings can be made on the Limits page.
- Buffer time before and after meetings
- Minimum notice
- Time-slot intervals
- Limit booking frequency
- Only show the first slot of each day as available
- Limit total booking duration
- Limit future bookings
- Offset start times
You can customize the questions asked on the booking page.
You can also configure advanced settings, such as prevent scheduling with standard email services such as or require email confirmation to schedule a meeting.
Relate Meetings with the team
If you would like a demo of Relate Meetings, please schedule a meeting with the Relate team.
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