What is Zapier?
Introducing Zapier and Relate integration, which automatically links data between over 4,000 applications.
Zapier 101
Zapier is a tool that can easily integrate SaaS applications without coding. It supports 5 free integrations (Zap), and after 5, you can use up to 20 by paying $19.99 per month.
Relate can integrate with 4,000+ applications through Zapier.
Zapier integration has two parts: Trigger and Action.
For example, if a lead is newly created through the Facebook Ad (Trigger), a message is sent to Slack to notify the team members (Action).
Trigger Example (Source: Zapier)
Action Example (Source: Zapier)
Zapier’s multi-step provides even complex IF/THEN functions.
Additional Logic
Zapier also supports various logics such as delay, filter, format, sending email, etc.
Useful Links
A collection of useful resources to learn more about Zapier
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